

Lots of people have asked, here's the story :)

you are told that you are not enough, never enough. something is 
missing, you are afraid. you have this void that you must fill at 
any cost with useless material things or one meaningless 
relationship after another. you are less than. something is really 
missing. you need external validation from another. everything is 
disposable, disconnected from its true nature....you are not skinny 
enough, not tall enough, not rich enough, not _______ enough and you 
can't do it on your own. you need a man but never a connection....one where 
you can be the beautiful, expressive, authentic intergalactic-creator that 
you are by nature, oh no. you must be a limited being, a 
disposable object restricted to the definitions of the human 
program and earthbound gender roles.

we are constantly exposed to these overlays of negative energy 
through our social structure and dimensional overlay. the philosopher Immanuel Kant speaks 
of two worlds (although we know in a quantum and cosmic sense the 
number of worlds are endless): the phenomenal world consists of 
things as they appear to be and the nomenal world which is things 
as they are in and of themselves. here we have the timeless dialogue 
of surface vs. essence. image vs. being....

these dualities and polarities are necessary to activate our free 
will to its greatest potential. negative programs exist out of fear 
to diminish our connection with our core essence, our source 
nature....the place of truth and power which resides only in an 
inner stillness of boundless brilliance. the struggle is an 
illusion. there is no missing piece, your soul is not fragmented. nothing to complete you because you are whole already. a 
complete entity here to have an experience of growth and 
remembering. find and activate that core of brilliance and knowledge 
in yourself, raise it up and in doing so you will activate the grid, 
giving others the hope to light their own fires and climb their own 

there is a major arcana card in the tarot called the hermit and he 
holds up a lantern in a high place. in solitude he is the light on 
the mountaintop for all the world to see, bright and shining from a 
distance, the beacon of hope in the night. he becomes a fixture of 
stability, much as the stars are in the sky. the card is about 
perception, acknowledgement, exposure of shadowed things by truth 
and light. 

LONE WOLF is for all the hermits out there, keep shining your lights 
and raise them high. its for all the Zarathustra's on the path of 
the self, for all the tight rope walkers and star-travelers that 
discovered how to dance between the worlds. the image is there, the 
falsity is there. learn how to embrace and ascend it. the shadow defines the light. 
as image-makers and game-masters we inherently know this. 

LONE WOLF is a testament to those realms of potential, freedom, 
choice and love.

LONE WOLF is a personal reminder to never forget my strength. i know 
what and who i am and there is nothing on this plane or any other 
that can shake that. i choose to actively create and manifest my 
experience of self, this world around me in an aware and responsible 
manner. i am not lacking anything. i don't need relationships, the dual gender program, or 
anyone outside of me to validate or define my experience, my 
creative work or my sense of self. i can create whatever image i'd like 
to experience. thoughts are things. its my experience therefore real. period. 
keep shapeshifting!

but most of all LONE WOLF is a reminder to never give my power away 

to others.

i leave you with a quote on the difference between aloneness and 
loneliness, how one is life-affirming while the other is negating 
from the Persian mystic Osho:

"The question that you have asked is the question of every human 
being. We are born alone, we live alone, and we die alone. Aloneness 
is our very nature, but we are not aware of it. Because we are not 
aware of it, we remain strangers to ourselves, and instead of seeing 
our aloneness as a tremendous beauty and bliss, silence and peace, 
at-easeness with existence, we misunderstand it as loneliness. 
Loneliness is a misunderstood aloneness. Once you misunderstand your 
aloneness as loneliness, the whole context changes. 
Aloneness has a beauty and grandeur, a positivity; loneliness is 
poor, negative, dark, dismal. Everybody is running away from 
loneliness. It is like a wound; it hurts. To escape from it, the 
only way is to be in a crowd, to become part of a society, to have 
friends, to create a family, to have husbands and wives, to have 
children. In this crowd, the basic effort is that you will be able 
to forget your loneliness. But nobody has ever succeeded in 
forgetting it. That which is natural to you, you can try to ignore 
-- but you cannot forget it; it will assert again and again. "

peace out.