
Sea Angels

and the expanses of the deep seas were plastered to my limbs, beneath the shores where dynamite and electricity cradeled the ascent. ethereal veins of algae spiraled upwards, starbound...our growth patterns entranced by cosmic glow. these coral bones, spongey and malcontent... neurons of spiked urchins probed the unchartered abysses of lung cavaties. peaked in a tangled mess, the transmissions warped into themselves. as sunken ships and shooting stars we crashed through timelines unchartered, a ripple effect outside of karma. with each breath we could sink and soar, in non-linear time we lived in the manner of cystals...multi-faceted and sparkling. as the anchor of humanity pulled our inner jungles into weighted pits, we found solace in its depths. the great cosmic us of you and i, the great transcendent we of us plus time....


its that hibernating time of the year again.

the path to being covered in the most beautiful underwater and deep sea tattoos has begun....
the path to aligning the outside with the inside is neverending: colors, beauty, life, freedom <3

stillness, lights and blessings this holiday season and beyond,